LBIC Funded Projects

The mission of the Louisiana Beef Industry Council is to “increase consumer beef demand by engaging in effective promotion, education, research, information, and communication programs while being good stewards of the checkoff monies paid by Louisiana cattle producers.”

To carry out its mission, the Louisiana Beef Industry Council will consider projects for funding which meet the guidelines set forth by the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board (CBB).

In accordance with CBB requirements, funding provided to “beef industry organizations” shall be on a reimbursable basis after the submission of receipts appropriate documentation.

Click here to download our Project Funding Agreement Form. Learn more about our project funding priorities here.

Project Funding Details

The Louisiana Beef Industry Council will consider projects for funding which meet the guidelines set forth by the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board (CBB).

Funding will be considered based on the submission of a written application to the LBIC by the requesting entity.

  1. An application for funding should contain, at the minimum the following information.
    • The title of the project for which funding is requested
    • The name of the entity requesting funding
    • The amount of funding requested
    • The date(s) that the project is to be conducted
    • The location of the project the audience to whom the project is directed (e.g. consumers, restaurant operators, etc.
    • The number of people to be reached by the proposed project
    • A project budget detailing fully how the funds are to be spent
    • A methodology as to how the effectiveness of the project will be evaluated
  2. The application for funding should be submitted to the LBIC at least fourteen days prior to the LBIC meeting at which the project is to be considered.
  3. Funding will only be approved upon submission of a detailed budget request.
  4. A representative of the entity requesting funding shall be present at the LBIC meeting where the project funding request is to be considered and shall make a verbal presentation of the project.
  5. All expenditures of LBIC funds shall require pre-approval by a majority vote of the Council.
  6. The vote by LBIC members on request for project funding shall be by roll call and shall be recorded in and made a part of the meeting minutes.
  7. Applications for project funding shall be provided to LBIC members ten days prior to the LBIC meeting at which the project funding application is to be considered.
  8. An application for project funding received by the LBIC after the fourteen-day submission deadline but received and transmitted to LBIC members prior to the LBIC meeting may be considered by the Council for funding with a two-thirds vote of approval by LBIC members.
  9. Any recipient of LBIC project funding shall be subject to audit as to the use of LBIC funds provided and shall sign a written agreement allowing for such audit prior to receiving any LBIC funds.
  10. Project funds granted to an applicant above the amount actually needed to complete the project or funds not spent for the purposes stated in the detailed project budget shall be immediately reimbursed to the LBIC.
  11. At the completion of a project funded by the LBIC, the entity having received the funding and conducting the project shall submit to the LBIC a project report indicating the project results. Any documents produced during or as a result of the project shall be included as an attachment to this report.
  12. All entities receiving project funding from the LBIC shall prominently depict on all project literature, announcements, notices, reports and any other documents produced in connection with the project the following statement, “Funding Provided by the Louisiana Beef Industry Council”.
  13. In accordance with CBB requirements, funding provided to “beef industry organizations” shall be on a reimbursable basis after the submission of receipts appropriate documentation.

(Approved by the LBIC on August 21, 2015)

Previously Funded LBIC Projects

  • LCWA
  • LCA (La Moo U)
  • Ag Expo
  • Washington Parish Free Fair
  • Vernon Parish Youth Day
  • Vernon Parish Senior Citizen Day
  • Northeast Louisiana Stockshow
  • South Central District Livestock Show
  • LCA (State Fair)
  • Associated Grocers
  • FFA Meat Judging Contest
  • Lafayette Parish Cattlemen’s Association – National Meat ID
  • Louisiana Radio Network
  • Louisiana 4H Foundation Beef Poster Contest
  • Federation of State Beef Councils
  • Acadiana Cattle Producer Field Days (Fall and Spring)
  • Acadiana District Livestock Show
  • Acadiana Master Cattlemen Program
  • LAE4HA
  • Louisiana Agriscience Teachers Association
  • Louisiana Tech Athletics Ag and Forestry Day
  • National Guard Association of Louisiana
  • Cooking Up Louisiana Treasures with Chef Celeste
  • American Culinary Hospitality Symposium
  • LCAAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference
  • National Block and Bridle Convention
  • This Week in Louisiana Agriculture
  • LAE 4-HA Conference/4-H Lost Camp/Grilling Workshops/4-H University Meats Judging Contest/Curriculum Writing and Virtual Meat Science/Beef BBQ Contest/Ag Magic/National 4-H Livestock Ambassadors
  • Hoffman Media
  • Guaranty Media
  • Southeast States Digital Media Campaign
  • Restaurant Week
  • Beast Feast
  • LSU AgCenter